Common query parameters for collections

This page defines common query parameters that can be used when querying loc:collection resources and loc:item resources with embedded loc:collection resources.


Defines which attributes are returned from the items in the collection. See Query parameters for items for details.


Defines which sub resources are embedded in the items in the collection. See Query parameters for items for details.


Specifies the language or locale for localizable information, if supported. The value must be a must be a valid IETF BCP 47 language tag.

  • If missing, only "en" labels and tooltips will be in the result.

  • If, for the specified language tag, no labels and tooltips could be found, only "en" labels and tooltips will be in the result. This behavior will be changed


The offset within the search results. This parameter is used for paging. If missing or invalid (less than 0), the default is 0, meaning that the results are returned beginning with the first element.


The maximum number of matches to return. This parameter is used for paging.

MediaCentral Asset Management: If missing or invalid (less or equal than 0, or higher than the maximum value of 1000), the default is 100.


The sort order. It accepts a comma separated list of sort descriptors, which are applied on enumerating items in the collection of the requested location. The order of the sort descriptors in the comma separated list corresponds to the order, in which the descriptors are applied as sort criteria. An individual sort descriptor consists of an optionally prefixing + or - character to indicate ascending (+, the default) or descending (-) order, followed by the name of an attribute, or the keyword "folder".

The keyword "folder" sorts for the type of items, i.e. the base's property type. It can esp. be used to sort for folder-items right before or after non-folder items. The "folder" sort descriptor can be front loaded to other sort descriptors to simulate Windows Explorer’s sort behavior, e.g. "folder,name", "-folder,-name" or "folder,created".

If a comma (',') is part of a sort descriptor’s attribute name, it needs to be escaped. E.g. the attribute name "escape,me" must be passed as "escape\,me".

The sort descriptor "default" can be used to obtain the result in the system specific sort order. The +/- prefix is not supported for the "default" sort descriptor.

If the sort parameter is missing, the sort order depends on the system.

System-specific information

  • MediaCentral Production Management

    • Sort descriptors are handled in a case-sensitive manner.

    • The sort descriptor "folder" is supported starting from MediaCentral Cloud UX 2018.6.

  • MediaCentral Asset Management

    • Sort descriptors are handled in a case-insensitive manner.


Accepts a comma separated list of filter descriptors. If filter is not given or if it is empty, then the service returns a default set of items; typically the folders and asset that is user is supposed to see. If the list is not empty, then the service returns the union of all matching items. Filter names are case-insensitive.

  • Typical filters:

    • item-type-folder: returns folders

    • item-type-asset: returns assets

    • item-type-all: returns all items in the folder, including items that are usually not visible to a user, like, for example, referenced assets in MediaCentral Production Management

    • item-type-referenced-asset (MediaCentral Production Management only): returns assets that are not checked-in directly, but are referenced in other assets like sequences

  • The response of a filtered location influences the paging, in such that the property totalElements represents the count of items after the filter was applied.

  • If comma (',') is part of a filter descriptor, it needs to be escaped when used with the query parameter "filter". E.g. the filter descriptor "escape,me" must be passed as "escape\,me".