Link relation loc:add-item


Add an item to the folder collection. The following entities can be added:

  • an asset

  • a location item

  • a folder

See Entities to add for details.

HTTP method


URI template variables


Query parameters


Request body

The entity that shall be added. See Entities to add for details.

HTTP response

Response body

The added item.

Available in

Entities to add

The following entities can be added:


Add a new location item that references an asset. In this case, the request body contains a JSON with the following properties:

  • base: the ID quadruple of the asset.

The location item is created with the name of the asset.

    "base": {
        "systemType": "interplay-mam",
        "systemID": "bb9d3d06-0e41-419e-8ae7-efdbbcbaa6e0",
        "type": "asset.VIDEO",
        "id": "DH38940DHJFIDS39849032"

Location item

Add a copy of an existing location item from a different folder. The copied item references the same asset as the original item. In this case, the request body contains a JSON with the following properties:

  • base: the ID quadruple of the item to copy.

  • common: optional, may contain the name of the new item as property name. If not given, the item is created with the same name as the original item.

    "base": {
    "common": {
        "name": "new name"


Add a copy of an entire folder, including all elements within that folder, recursively. In this case, the request body contains a JSON with the following properties:

Add a copy of an existing location item from a different folder. The new item references the same asset as the original item. In this case, the body contains a JSON with the following properties:

  • base: the ID quadruple of the item to copy.

The copied folder receives the same name as the original folder.

    "base": {