How to Export Cloud UX Applications

User apps to be exported can be defined in the same way as views are defined in static plugins:

export const avid = {
    apps: {
        'companyname-projectname-appname': {
            factory: (config) => {
                // .. 
        config: {
            // ..
        menuIcon: {
            // ..

Views and other features can be defined in the same avid object as the apps feature.

You can also use the following approach to export plugins:

export const avid = [{
    name: 'companyname-projectname-appname',
    provides: ['apps'],
    create: () => {
        return {
           factory: params => new YourApp(params),
           config: {
                dockable: true
           menuIcon: {

Administrative apps to be exported can be defined as follows:

   export const avid = {
        adminApps: {
            'companyname-projectname-appname': {
                factory: (config) => {
                    // .. 
            config: {
                // ..
            menuIcon: {
                // ..

You can also use the following approach to export plugins:

export const avid = [{
    name: 'companyname-projectname-appname',
    provides: ['adminApps'],
    create: () => {
        return {
           factory: params => new YourApp(params),
           config: {
                dockable: true
           menuIcon: {

Application API

You can specify the following properties:

  • factory

Function that returns an application implementation.
For more information, see Application API.

  • config and menuIcon

For more information, see Application Configuration.