Link relation taxonomies:entries


Get the list of top-level entries of the taxonomy.

HTTP method


URI template variables


Query parameters


(Optional) The sort order for the returned entries. The value is a comma-separated list of sort specs, each consisting of:

  • An optional prefix "+" for ascending order or "-" for descending order). If not given, ascending order is used.

  • A property of the entry. One of:

    • id: The entry ID.

    • label: The localized label of the entry.

    • The name of an attribute.

Example for an MC|AM legal list taxonomy: sort=label,index,-id to return entries sorted primarily by localized label in ascending order, then by the entry attribute index in ascending order, then by entry ID in descending order.

The query parameter may be ignored by the service. Currently, sorting is only supported for MC|AM legal lists.

Request body


HTTP response

200 OK

404 Not Found

Response body

Available in


Get the list of top-level entries of the taxonomy.

The list supports paging.