CTMS API Reference

Common elements

Starting points


  • aa:assets Entry point for asset-related functions

  • aa:asset Represents an asset

  • aa:attributes Represents the attributes of an asset in a common format

  • aa:time-based Represents the time-based annotation of an asset in a common format

  • aa:keyframes Returns key frames like shot borders, scene changes or the position of markers for an asset

  • aa:thumb Represents a thumbnail image for an asset


The representation of the folder structure of a system

  • loc:locations Entry point for functions that handle the folder structure of a system

  • loc:collection Represents a list of items in a folder

  • loc:item Represents an item in a folder

  • loc:path-to-root Represents the folder path up to the root folder for a location item

Data Model





New in MC | Cloud UX 2020.9

  • settings:settings Entry point to query and manipulate the settings of a system.

  • settings:section The organizational item which contains this section’s settings and links available (child/sub) sections.

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