Link relation relations:create-relation


Create a relation of a relation type from the current entity to an other entity.

HTTP method


URL template parameters


Query parameters


Request body

Information about the entity to be related.

  • kind: entity kind (aa=asset, loc=location item)

  • id: ID of the entity

  • type: type of the entity


   "kind": "aa",
   "id": "90812-4324-11-622452",
   "type": "asset.EPISODE"

HTTP response

201 Created

The relation was created successfully.

400 Bad Request

The request was invalid (for example because the relation is not valid for the given entities).

404 Not Found

The current entity or the related entity was not found or the relation type doesn’t exist. 404 is also returned if the service or an intermediate resource are not available.

409 Conflict

The relation exists already.

Response body


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