Link relation aa:delete-time-based


Delete parts of the time-based annotation.

HTTP method


URI template variables


Query parameters

The query parameters define which segments are deleted.

If no query parameters are supplied all segments in all layers are deleted.

You must be very careful to combine the filters appropriately. If multiple query parameters are given, the segments that match all criteria (AND between criteria) are deleted.

Typical examples:

  • ?layers=A&segmentids=25,26: Delete the segments 25 and 26 in the layer A.

  • ?layers=A: Delete all segments in layer A.

  • ?layers=A&start=10&end=20: Deletes the segments in layer A that are fully in the timerange from frame 10 to 20.

Filter criteria:

Query parameter Description


Delete segments in the layers A, B, and C.


Delete segments with IDs 25 and 26.

In some systems, the IDs are only unique within a layer. In most use cases, you must combine this with the layers query parameter to avoid deleting segments in the wrong layer.


Delete segments that are fully within the time range starting at frame 10 in the asset.

Segments that are only partially in that range are not deleted.


Delete segments that are fully within the time range ending at frame 20 in the asset.

Segments that are only partially in that range are not deleted.


Delete segments that were created by the user with login name Bob.

Some systems may not know the user that created a segment. In this case, no segments are deleted.

Request body


HTTP response

204 No Content

404 Not Found

Response body


Available in


Delete parts of the time-based annotation.

The query parameters decide which segments are deleted. Without query parameters, all segments in all layers are deleted.