Link relation aa:delete-asset-by-id


Delete the entire asset or the media of the asset, depending on the given mode.

Deletion will fail if the asset is reserved. You can use the query parameter override-reservations to override reservations.

This link relation may not be available for all system types.

HTTP method


URI template variables


Query parameters


New in MC | Cloud UX 2023.12

Deletion mode. Currently only supported for MC|AM. Possible values:

  • media: delete only the essences and associated media files.

  • all: delete the entire asset, including the essences and associated media files.

Default is "all".


New in MC | Cloud UX 2023.12

Override reservations on the asset. Currently only supported for MC|AM. Possible values:

  • none: do not override reservations. If the asset is reserved, deletion will fail.

  • media: override reservations on the asset when using deletion mode "media".

  • all: override all reservations on the asset.

Default is "none".

Request body


HTTP response

204 No Content

The asset was deleted.

403 Forbidden

Deleting the asset was denied.

403 Forbidden

The asset is reserved.

Response body


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