Subscribe To Channel

When subscribeToChannel operation is invoked on Avid Connector API it is
following next steps:

  1. Avid Connector API sends payload
    with bal_to_sg_subscribe action to Secure Gateway;
    1. Avid Connector API is waiting (non-blocking/async) for incoming
      payload having action sg_to_gal_acknowledged;
    2. When payload received it
      checks metadata→runtime→errorType;
      1. If errorType doesn’t exist, notify caller about success;
      2. If errorType was provided, notify caller about corresponding

When subscribed to channel(s), Avid Connector API
receives Channel Message

  1. When Secure Gateway receives from
    RabbitMQ Channel Message,
    it sends payload with sg_to_bal_post action to Avid Connector
  2. When Avid Connector API receives payload
    with sg_to_bal_post action, it must take subscriberId from
    payload and invoke corresponding handler.