Send Request To Service

When query, send or broadcast operation is invoked on Avid Connector API
it is following next steps:

  1. Avid Connector API sends payload
    with bal_to_sg_request action to Secure Gateway;
    1. If requestType equal to send or broadcast, Avid
      Connector API is waiting (non-blocking/async) for incoming
      payload having action sg_to_gal_acknowledged. Steps 2-5
      are executed;
      1. When payload received it
        checks metadata→runtime→errorType;
        1. If errorType doesn’t exist, notify caller about success;
        2. If errorType was provided, notify caller about
          corresponding failure;
    2. If requestType equal to query, Avid Connector API is
      waiting (non-blocking/async) for incoming payload having
      action sg_to_bal_response. Steps 2-7 are executed;
      1. When payload received it
        checks metadata→runtime→errorType;
        1. If errorType doesn’t exist, notify caller about success;
        2. If errorType was provided, notify caller about
          corresponding failure;
  2. When Secure Gateway receives payload
    with bal_to_sg_request action, it sends
    Service Message
    having request over the RabbitMQ, which will be consumed by another
    (or same) instance of the Secure Gateway.
  3. When Secure Gateway receives
    Service Message
    having request, it sends payload with sg_to_bal_request
    action to Avid Connector API.
  4. When Avid Connector API receives payload
    with sg_to_bal_request action it must execute corresponding
    service operation with provided parameters.
  5. When result of the operation received, Avid Connector API must send
    payload with bal_to_sg_response action, having result of the
    executed operation.
  6. When Secure Gateway receives payload
    with bal_to_sg_response action,
    it sends Service Message
    having response to RabbitMQ, which will be consumed by another (or
    same) instance of the Secure Gateway.
  7. When Secure Gateway
    receives Service Message
    having response, it sends payload
    with sg_to_bal_response action to Avid Connector API.