Development | npmjs
NOTE: Before you proceed you need to have nodejs and npm installed.
- In your command shell type
npm install -g cloudux-starter-kit
. This command will install cloudux-starter-kit.
- Go to directory where you want to create your project and open command shell there.
- In command shell type
and proceed with instruction.
- MediaCentral server host IP - is your CloudUX address that will be used for proxy development.
- Navigate to your project folder and open
./{your_project_name}/src/ project.config.json
- For proxy development you need to set your "hostIp" with IP of your CloudUX and "proxyPort" to 443.
- Notice: you don't need to deploy your feature pack to be able to see it in proxy mode
- Notice: "hostIp" - is CloudUX address. It must be running to be able to use proxy development mode
- In command shell type
npm install
and wait for modules to install.
- For Windows OS press Win + R and type
- Use the following path to import certificate: Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> Certificates.
- Right click on Certificates. Go to All Tasks -> Import... Press Import...
- In the "File name" section browse to ./certs/ca.crt in your project folder and add the certificate to trusted.
- To verify correct installation find "avid" in the list of the trusted certificates.
How to generate new certificate for proxy development
If your proxy development certificate has expired you can generate a new one following the next steps using a linux based OS with openssl package installed.
- Navigate to the
folder inside of your project directory. All necessary configuration files are provided with the sample project.
- To generate a new root certificate run the following command
openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout ca.key -x509 -days 397 -out ca.crt -outform PEM
- Create a certificate request next
openssl req -out cert.csr -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout cert.key -config san.cnf
- Sign the request and create a new certificate by peforming the following steps
touch index.txt
echo "01" > serial.txt
openssl ca -config ca.cnf -policy signing_policy -extensions signing_req -out cert.crt -infiles cert.csr
- Follow steps in the previous section to import the new ca.crt certificate
- Type
npm start
to run development proxy.
Building feature-pack
NOTE: For building you need to have docker and helm installed and available in $PATH on your machine.
- Once development is done set AppID aka "alias", AppSecret aka "secret" in
./{your_project_name}/src/ project.config.json
- Set "organization" in
- To build your project, from the root of your project type
npm run buildFeaturePack
to start building.
- When building process is done you will see file ready for deployment.
Building Docker image
NOTE: For building you need to have docker and helm installed and available in $PATH on your machine.
- Once development is done set AppID aka "alias", AppSecret aka "secret" in
./{your_project_name}/src/ project.config.json
- Set "organization" in
- To build Docker image, from the root of your project type
npm run buildImage
- When building of docker image finishes, type
docker images
to check the built image.