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MediaCentral | Media Suite API Overview

The Media Services API (CTMS) is a family of common REST APIs, i.e. following common conventions, for many different backend systems. Use it to easily access Interplay Production, Media Central | Asset Management or Media Central | Newsroom Management.

Additionally you can create an API for your own asset management system that conforms to this API standard

MediaCentral Architecture
The CTMS combines Upstream and bus services to expose the API to the Client as a REST API. While this is the most common use case, at the same time clients on the bus can also use the CTMS to communicate with asset management backends.
A typical use case would be:
  • native clients that display metadata and assets from asset management systems
  • ingest services create and modify metadata on an asset management backend


Clients must authenticate against the platform before calling CTMS methods. For details, see Platform Authentication.

CTMS registry

The CTMS registry service collects the HAL resources provided by all the different CTMS services on the platform.
  • A client can use the CTMS registry to navigate through the APIs of the entire platform. See CTMS Registry for Clients for details.
  • A service must implement a specific bus method and return a HAL resource in a proper format to be registered in the CTMS registry. See CTMS Registry for Services for details.

CTMS Datamodel Aggregator

The CTMS Datamodel Aggregator collects the system datamodels provided by all the different CTMS services on the platform. A client can use the CTMS Datamodel Aggregator to get a consolidated datamodel.