Application Types and Roles

User and Administrative Applications

Applications that are developed for all users and are seen on the main
layout are referred to as “user apps/applications” or “apps.”

Administrative apps are special applications only for users with administrator permissions.
They are only displayed in the Administration Client.

Administrative apps have to be defined in separate plugins.

The file package.json for admin plugins must contain the mode property specified as admin in the avid section:

    "avid": {
        "main": "dist/index.js",
        "autoload": true,
        "format": "amd",
        "mode": ["admin"]

Plugins with admin mode are loaded after switching to the Administration Client.

For other plugins, the mode property can be omitted (by default, they are loaded for the main layout).

Important: Views and actions that are used/plugged by administrative
apps must also be defined in plugins with mode admin.

Application Roles

This section describes application roles in the main layout (not in the Administrative Client).

Core Apps work full screen or dock to the side of other apps.
They are displayed either in the main or docked layout zone.

Right Zone Apps are displayed in the right zone only.

Main layout scheme:

 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
 |             |                               |                  |                   |
 |             |                               |                  |                   |
 |             |                               |                  |                   |
 |    docked   |   main                        |                  |     right         |
 |             |                               |                  |                   |
 |             |                               |                  |                   |
 |             |                               |                  |                   |
 |             |                               |                  |                   |
 -----------------------------------------------                  ---------------------
 |                                                                                    |
 |                                                                                    |
 |                     asset editor (inspector)                                       |
 |                                                                                    |