Build Feature-pack

Please follow the steps below to build a feature pack on a local machine.


The following tools have to be installed and operational on your machine.

App feature-pack

You can build app feature packs by clicking “build” button in the App creator tool.
Or you can use cloudux-starter-kit. With the -B Build project option you can see in the description all arguments it needs to get the job done. As the output you should get < your-app-name >.zip file in the root of your project.

Service feature-pack

You can build service feature packs by clicking “build” button in App creator tool.
Or you can use cloudux-starter-kit-service. With the -B Build Service option you can see in the description all arguments it needs to get the job done. As the output you should get < your-service-name >.zip file in the root of your project.